If you are in marketing you are probably wondering what you can do for your brand or your customers now that this new year 2022 is starting. At Vibrand Media we did some research and we bring you the list of our favorite design trends.
A revolution is coming in the use of textures in which the flattening takes on an interesting relevance. Not only is it vintage, the evolution of these texturing techniques is taking a new direction with the intelligent use as a support to give a new dimension to graphic design through digital and traditional channels.
Speaking of the incorporation of old traditional art techniques into new design tools, we see a strong trend in the use of textures in the use of illustration and infographics. Viva Manet!
Maybe the name of a certain German school comes to mind. But yes, symmetry is put to the test to create surrealistic shapes in vectors and it will be a resource that many brands will be using, especially in harmony with the next point that is…
We know you’re a fan of your Google Fonts and maybe you’re not such a fan of working with your team to find the right font for each graphic proposal. But without a doubt, this is the year you should pay attention to the written word in your work. And if you don’t believe us, check out the increases in reading statistics from 2019 to date.
Our final point also has to do with the use of typography. Whether you are a fan of scrap-booking (maybe not) or of David Carson, the inventive use of cut, segmented or partially visible written messages is becoming a trend. And it is precisely the advertising for some, is entertainment and fun for others.
Which of these is your fav, and are there any trends we left out?
Feel free to leave your comment.
Vibrand Media