Portadablog, Vibrand Media

If you are preparing a new campaign, want to give a twist to your brand or create a new one, here are 5 branding trends coming for 2022.


Yes, it is one of the most reproduced terms when we talk about design or art. And no doubt you will see a lot of cleanliness and creativity in logos, identity, badges and campaigns in new and renowned brands. But if you want to be “in” with this trend we recommend you to do a reverse engineering work and instead of asking yourself, what do I put there? ask yourself: what do I want them to see?


Not to repeat, but to emphasize that Bauhaus is back but with a twist. More and more artists and brands are making use of the magic of geometry with symmetrical, but especially asymmetrical figures to create compositions of textures, characters and icons in today’s advertising. 


The gradient is a resource as old as the first Power Point and it is undoubtedly one of the trends that has managed to stay in our tastes. Well now, we are looking to give that plus in the dimension of our elements looking for the integration of photography with brand colors, use more colors besides blue-purple-pink and seek to give more strength to our texts. Use them creatively.


Ok, remember trend No.1? Well, now we emphasize its importance. You don’t have to change your logo, but it is important that today that “mobile is king” you take into account the look of your logo and elements in your digital ecosystem because in such a small space, you must know how to differentiate yourself with the smallest expression of your brand.


If you’ve made it this far and if you’ve read our previous two lists you’ve probably noticed that all these trends crown the theme of this 2022 with the phenomenon of nostalgia. Mind you, it’s not retro or vintage. It is a reinterpretation of the look and feel of typography, photography, style, icons, style and communication that we have seen before but now in a new context. Undoubtedly, the last few years have led us to remember happy moments and those who accompanied us.



Are you planning a rebranding? Do you like where the new trends are going and can you imagine where they will take your brand? Leave your comment and share with us what other trends look interesting.

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